
Updated 08 Feb 2023

Marketing Videos

Panasonic Product Planner: Takashi Okabayashi, talks about the PX270 (AJ-PX270)

Marketing Video AJ-PX270

Updated 08 Feb 2023


Header Main Banner V2-AJ-PX270

Header Main Image

Updated 08 Feb 2023

Spec Files

PT-VMW50 Spec File (Japanese)

Spec Files: PT-VMW50 (Japanese)

Updated 08 Feb 2023

Spec Files

PT-VMZ50 Spec File (English)

Spec File: PT-VMZ50 (English)

Updated 08 Feb 2023

Spec Files

PT-VMZ40 Spec File (English)

Spec File: PT-VMZ40 (English)

Updated 08 Feb 2023

Spec Files

PT-VMZ50 Spec File (Japanese)

Spec Files: PT-VMZ50 (Japanese)

Updated 08 Feb 2023

Spec Files

PT-VMW50 Spec File (English)

Spec File: PT-VMW50 (English)

Updated 08 Feb 2023

Image Data

WV-S2250L Product Image (png)

Updated 08 Feb 2023

Image Data

PT-VMZ60 Slant High-res

Product Image: PT-VMZ60

Updated 08 Feb 2023

Image Data

PT-VMZ60 Top High-res

Product Image: PT-VMZ60

Updated 08 Feb 2023

Image Data

PT-VMZ60 Front High-res

Product Image: PT-VMZ60

Updated 08 Feb 2023

Image Data

PT-VMZ60 Angled High-res

Product Image: PT-VMZ60

Updated 08 Feb 2023

CAD Data

PT-VMZ40 CAD DXF (English)

CAD DXF: PT-VMZ40 (English)

Updated 08 Feb 2023

CAD Data

PT-VMZ40 CAD PDF (English)

CAD PDF: PT-VMZ40 (English)

Updated 08 Feb 2023

CAD Data

PT-VMZ60/VMW60/VMZ50/VMW50 CAD DXF (English)

CAD DXF: PT-VMZ60/VMW60/VMZ50/VMW50 (English)

Updated 08 Feb 2023

Image Data

PT-VMZ40 Angled High-res

Product Image: PT-VMZ40

Updated 08 Feb 2023

Image Data

PT-VMZ40 Top High-res

Product Image: PT-VMZ40

Updated 08 Feb 2023

Image Data

PT-VMZ40 Slant High-res

Product Image: PT-VMZ40

Updated 08 Feb 2023

Image Data

PT-VMZ40 Front High-res

Product Image: PT-VMZ40

Updated 08 Feb 2023

Image Data

PT-VMW60 Top High-res

Product Image: PT-VMW60

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