The Sustainability Gap

The Sustainability Gap
Breaking the Four-Year Technology Refresh Cycle
It’s time for businesses to rethink their approach to buying technology for the mobile workforce and move away from the traditional four-year technology refresh cycle. With new modular designs and extended support available for the latest generation of rugged notebooks and tablets, there’s opportunity for businesses to extend the life of the technology used by the mobile workforce, simplify management, and improve total cost of ownership.
It’s time to close the sustainability gap
Sustainability is at the top of the agenda for most organisations and departments. Despite an increasing awareness of sustainability issues and a general desire to use computing devices for longer, we still see many businesses stuck in the four-year technology refresh cycle when it comes to the mobile workforce.
With new modular design and extended support available for the latest generation of notebooks and tablets, there’s a real opportunity for businesses to extend the life of the technology used by the mobile workforce, simplify management, and improve total cost of ownership.
By engaging the workforce in pilot projects before purchase, buyers can ensure devices are much more closely matched to users’ needs. Additionally, purchasing the latest modular devices allows users to customise their technology in the field.
Buying technology that adapts to your changing requirements, and later redeploying it for another purpose within the business, requires a mindset shift but has clear benefits. The ability to upgrade as required and the longterm extended support being offered by some manufacturers help to bridge the gap.
Read more insights…
Case Study
Greater Manchester chooses TOUGHBOOK 33 rugged devices for latest fire service MDT and demountable requirements
Fire services across the UK are looking to equip their crews with the most effective and rugged mobile computing technology to become ever more effective and efficient. Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service chose TOUGHBOOK 33 devices for its Airwave Certified & ESN-ready Mobile Data Terminals and as demountable devices in the rear of its appliances.
After six years of military use, only 1 percent of TOUGHBOOKs needed repair
An article which describes why Precisions Technic Defence A/S insist on having specific demands for their suppliers when it comes to sustainability.
Case Study
Kärcher Delivers Technical Service Excellence with Panasonic TOUGHBOOK
At Kärcher, everything revolves around effective cleaning machines from the everyday to the unusual - and the company's top priority is customer service. Equipping the technicians with the reliable & flexible Panasonic TOUGHBOOK 33 allows them to focus on what is important: excellent customer service.
Do more with Windows 11 and TOUGHBOOK
Do more with Windows 11 and Panasonic TOUGHBOOK. Microsoft's new Windows 11 operating system offers faster load times, enhanced security features and improved battery life, making it easier for your workers to connect with their TOUGHBOOK on the go. Get ready to experience best-in-class speed, power, and security.
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